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Chris White

Web Application Developer - Programmer



The Metals Accounting System I built for Katanga mining accurately measured the amounts of the minerals in the various processes to extract them from the ore. Data is input from the SCADA system with all of the instrument measurements and from StarLims lab results. This system allows calculation to be built combining the data from the two systems and genertate reports. An audit report allows for comparing data with actual measurements in the processes.


My first and only Adobe Flash app. I took advantage of a feature brand new to Adobe Flash 8, Bitmap Mask. All of the patterns were converted from CAD drawings to vector images using Adobe Freehand. Flash connect to a C# Web Services that connects it to a SQL Server database. There is a comprehensive menu system for manage users and designs not visible from the guest account.

Screen Shots

House Renters Connect

House Renters Connect allowed potential renters to quickly find a home that matched their criteria.  I used the Smarty Template Engine to allow for clean separation of presentation from application code.  This allowed the designer to continue development of the views while I created the database access and program logic in the code behind file.  I modified the Perl scripts to allow uploaded images of homes to be resized for preview and full view.

House Renters Connect

ConsultIDANP allowed customers to contact a Registered Nurse about any health issues.  I created a secure comprehensive health form that allowed the potential patients to relay all issues to the nurse.  I modified a Perl script in Exim that routed all email correspondence through a custom script that logged all emails to a database.  This allowed the nurses to quickly see a full accounting of all correspondence.  Whenever there was a reply, the nurses were notified via SMS that there was a response.

New Things


This is a demo built with MCV5 and Bootstrap with a custom Theme. Full CRUD operations on a test LIMS(Laboratory Information Mangement System) database.


A demo in AngularJS 2 on top of MVC showing CRUD operations. I would love to do more things with AngularJS.


Hello, I'm Chris White, I have been helping companies large and small for many years.  Instead of posting a typical profile picture at the top of this page, I chose to post a picture with my soccer team, my Lady Lions.  I am passionate about coaching the young girls and it is very rewarding.  I will bring this same passion and dedication to your project.

Don't see something on this page or my resume?  Contact me, I love doing new things.

Send me your spreadsheet; send me your document; send me your scan or photo of your idea on a napkin. Lets talk. Tell me your business need; tell me about your vision; tell me about your dream. Let's make it happen!

Contact Me

You can find my contact information on my Resume.